Alright, we’re finally on the FINAL Samford picture post!!! Woo hoo! I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to see part of the campus without ever actually stepping foot on the soil there. But I encourage you to go visit there. It’s super pretty! :)
Without further ado….here we go.
This is a very small part of the Pete Hanna Center (the grm and basketball arena). It is massive.
Seibert Hall, the Health and Physical Education building.
The football field.
This is Jmac, my old youth pastor. This guy taught me a lot in the short time he was my pastor. I love him dearly, and will always think that he’s a great guy. Wish he was still our pastor…but oh well. Anyways, he goes to Samford and I was able to see him and talk to him for about ten minutes right before we headed back to Georgia. It was really nice to catch up a little bit. This guy has taught me more about respect and loving God than he’ll probably ever know.
Back in Georgia, I saw the Olympic Torch.
If you’re ever passing through Atlanta, make sure you stop at The Varsity. Soooo good. We go there every time we go through Atlanta.
This is me and two of my cousins. Our moms forced us to come outside and take pictures. No surprise there.
And that concludes the tour of Samford and the rest of the Georgia trip. :) Hope you enjoyed it!