Today I’m being featured over at (in)courage! I’m so stinkin’ excited!!! My work has never really been featured anywhere, unless you count a few poems being posted online (with a website that posts everything submitted :]) If you’ve never visited (in)courage or had the extreme privilege of learning from the ladies over there…then get your butt over to that little cove of family and friends. Just jump in, everybody’s always welcome.
I push down.
I turn it to the right.
But still the lid won’t open.
So I try again. Push down.
Scrunch up my face somehow thinking that the added effect will mysteriously help.
I turn the cap to the right and…
The lid click click clicks and moves no where.
After a while I learned how to open the Ragu jar and the Tylenol bottle. But I’m, apparently, still stuck on the Listerine bottle as I found out tonight.
Child-proof locks. They kept me out for so long. But even while I was technically still a child I could undo a child-proofed cap. It took practice though. It took resolve as I listened to the click click click over and over again.
To continue reading, just click on over to (in)courage…
Who would have thought that child-proof locks could teach such a valuable lesson?