Sometimes I just end up on random blogs.

I click through a blog I read all the time, see an interesting tweet, etc.

And then I spend countless hours reading through old blog posts because THERE ARE SO MANY INTERESTING PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.

This blog over here is one of those.

She guest posted at (in)courage this past summer and that’s how I first read about Scarlette’s Story.

It’s beautiful and raw and you really should spare 5 minutes to click through a read it for yourself.

As I kept clicking through Kayla’s blog, I realized she’s written two eBooks.

One of them jumped out at me: The Blog Book: A Must Have Guide To Blogging, Marketing, and Monetizing

“In it I cover topics such as branding your blog, growing your readership, getting press, creating content and the most frequently asked question: how to make money from blogging.”

So basically, a guide to all things blogging, whether you want to make money from your blog or not.

I truly don’t have a strong desire inside of me to make money through this blog. I just write what I’m thinking and what I’m learning.

However, this book is only .99 cents so I figured, why not?!

That’s right. 99 cents.

As my mom would say, “We can’t afford not to get that!” :)

If you want to click through to learn more about the book, I would highly recommend it. I’ve looked through a bit of it and I think it’s quite helpful. It also comes with four printable PDF worksheets and a printable weekly blog planner.

I’ve never used an affiliate link before, but if you would be so kind to pay the whopping .99 cents through this link, I would be so grateful! I’ll make .49 cents if you do. :)

I don’t anticipate doing many more affiliate things in the future…I just like sharing what’s on my heart. But this seemed like too good of a deal to not pass along, and since I’m passing it along anyway, I might as well make .49!

Heck, that’s half a slush at Sonic! And you know this college girl visits the Sonic way too often. :)