Thank you – so much – for continuing to walk with me in my present. It was so encouraging to read your words on my words, over at (in)courage this morning. You are a present to me.


Five Minute FridayHere’s the deal. Five Minute Friday. You go find the little prompt at the wonderful Lisa-Jo’s blog, set the time and write for five minutes, and then just stop. Where you are, no edits, just publish raw words. 



I’ve spent the past two hours in a sweet mix of laughing with new friends and sharing deep, personal tidbits from our lives.

These people, my fellow interns, have been a fixture of sorts in my life the past four weeks.

One month with these people, and I feel like I’ve known them for much longer. And still, at the same time, we sat in a circle, some with pillows, some near sleep, and some alert night-owls…sharing pieces we weren’t aware of before.

For four weeks now, we’ve done life together day in and day out. We’re here to pour into students, to lead them to lead others – but only when it begins at the feet of Jesus.

But tonight, in the quiet, bursts of laughter escaped lips – life Stories we hadn’t known.
It’s amazing how well you can know a person without really knowing them at all.
We have one week left – exactly seven days from now we’ll be packing up our rooms, loading our cars, and preparing to go back to our different states, our own colleges.
The truth is, we’ll probably never see each other again.
But these people, for this present, they are my family.
I’ve always tried to remind myself: treat the present like a present {a gift}.
That’s what it is. We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. You aren’t promised another breath here on this earth.
Each one is a gift, each blade of grass and whisper of cloud, every laugh and every tear that falls – all of it, a present.
Just for you, just for me, just from Him.
Lord, let us honor you with the presents you have given in this present.