About a month and a half ago I realized a deadline was upon me and I hadn’t even started the project.

It’s sad how often that’s happened lately. It seems like I live by my planner, but I so often forget to add things to it – and that defeats the entire purpose. But I digress.

I was scheduled to submit another post to More To Be. Quite honestly, I wasn’t sure what to write about. I feel like I’m called to write to my generation especially in that place – but what to say, how to encourage, and what words could be spoken to call out and rise up?

I’m in a sorority (I promise there is a point to this) and we had just learned the date and the theme for our semi-formal this fall.

The Great Gatsby. November 1st.

(In case you were wondering.)

(I KNOW. So cool, right?)

(Now is when I should mention I’ve yet to see the movie. So there’s that. But I’m still stoked.)

As you can imagine, everyone was all abuzz about who they would take, who they had asked, or creative ways to ask their guy friends or boyfriends to be their date for the night.

…I’m sure you can see where this is going. I’m the girl who has (still) yet to go on a date. I’m turning 21 this month and I’m still waving that single flag high, going to dances by myself and doing my hair and makeup just for the heck of it.

So it was September and I had a post due and all I kept hearing was talk of boys. I like boys, don’t get me wrong. But there’s just so.much.more. to all of this beautiful, wonderful crazy life.

So I wrote about it. Because I get swallowed up in it sometimes, this fun girl talk of who’s available to go or who can swing dance well.

It’s great, all of it. But it’s not the end-all-be-all and I just want you to believe you’re beautiful and worth it and the wait, every second of the wait, will show you that very truth: you are wonderful. Whether there’s a boy by your side or not.

And you know…I want you to believe it, and I want to believe it too. And I do. But we all need the reminder sometimes, because the lies come in fast and furious and all we can do is trust Him and replace the lies with Truth.

So heck yes, I’m going to Gatsby. Tomorrow afternoon there will be wonderful friends in my room curling my hair and showing me how to put on eyeliner (because let’s be real honest, I am nothing if not a non-girly girl when it comes to this sort of thing. Just this semester I bought a hairdryer for the first time. Please don’t laugh.) — it will be fun and there will be dancing, music and many laughs. I’ll take pictures and feel pretty and none of it will be to impress a boy.

It’s just for me. Just for kicks and giggles.

Because we, you and I, none of us need a boy to make us wonderful.

And now that I’ve written 538 words to introduce this little bit of writing, I’ll stop the fingers from saying anything else and just let you read.

I’m twenty years old, an almost-straight-A student, and involved in many different things both in high school and college. And I’m in a sorority. I’m the oldest of four and the only girl. I like to think I’m decently funny and that my love for Jesus shows through. But… I’ve never been on a date. 

I’ve climbed ladders and gained leadership positions. I’ve grown close to some of the most amazing women this world has to offer, and I intern for a place I love with all my heart. After many months, I found a church family. Most days I’m so busy with homework and maintaining (growing) relationships that I don’t stop to think about it… 

Until I see my friends getting dressed up for a first date or celebrating their one-year anniversary. 

I’m only twenty years old, but my friends are getting engaged and planning weddings, and it seems like every other day I receive a new wedding invitation. 

If we’re going to be completely honest, can I quietly admit that sometimes I wonder if something is wrong with me? 

Do you feel it, too? Do you notice the couples holding hands and walking down the sidewalk, around the mall, in the school hallways? 

Do you wonder when it’s going to be your time? Me too, friend, me too. Last year I did something drastic… I called it quits. 

In the middle of a generation looking for a good time before settling down, I said no more. 


I learned that whatever I was wanting in a guy I already had in Him. Because He is wonderful. Everything I wonder about the future is already secure with Him by my side. Without a boy by your side, it’s easy to feel less than, insecure, and like you’re simply in a waiting period. 

You. Are. Not. 

You are good without a man. You are wonderful, beautiful, and lovely, a priceless treasure of the King of Kings. {click to tweet} 

Sweet girls, won’t you join me in pursuing the One who made you instead of the cute boy that sits next to you in class? 

In His perfect timing, a man will step in and ask to dance this thing called life with you. But in the mean time, let’s dance for the One who wrote the music. 

Click here to read the rest — and carry this with you throughout your day: you are wonderful.