I turned 21 on Saturday.

I had a wonderful weekend with friends and was able to Skype my family. I ate good food, Samford won in overtime (such a great game), you wonderful people tweeted me with my very own hashtag #legitnow. I felt so special.

So, thank you. Big time. And now? Welcome to the real world.

A birthday post is coming but today was supposed to be another time to chase history together. I love this link-up, but I feel like today is the perfect day to share some online link love.

I felt special for my birthday and want to pass it on to others. These are some of the best things I’ve seen around the web in the past month.

1. Under the Fluorescent Lights by Sarah Markley.

Sometimes how we view people becomes how we look at God. Something to think about.

2. “Once you take selfish ambition, jealousy, comparison, and competition out, it really frees up a lot of space for joy, love, peace and kindness.” -Christine Caine

3. How the Hidden Dangers of Comparison Are Killing Us: The Measuring Stick Principle by Ann Voskamp

This one. Man oh man. I’m not sure what I could say to make you go read this post…but you *need* to read this. Here. Read some quotes and then you’ll see.

“Measuring sticks always become weapons.”

“Girls rival each other. Women revive each other.
Girls empale each other. Women empower each other.
Girls compare each other. Women champion each other.”

4. Shrinking Women

This. That we each would end the cycle of women being so occupied by the amount of space they occupy.

“And I wonder if my lineage is one of women shrinking…and I never meant to replicate her, but spend enough time sitting across from someone and you pick up their habits.”

5. A Husband Took These Photos of His Wife and Captured Love and Loss Beautifully

As his wife battled breast cancer he began to snapshot their lives. The title says it best: captured love and loss so very beautifully.

6. One more for good measure. These lyrics have been in my head for weeks and this graphic is just beautiful. You can click the link to pin it.

Happy Monday!