Shaking my head, a smile lifts the corners of my mouth only slightly.


Like… what? That’s the prompt. And so I look around the room every which way.

Something… anything… okay, that lamp. No, not the lamp.

The memory book on the desk… eh, probably not that either.

I’m hemming and hawing and then “oh! the bag in the corner! it’s blue!” but still, I’m falling short. I’m looking everywhere for inspiration and coming up empty. The words have been like that lately.

I write to know what I think but sometimes I’m scared of my own thoughts.

That’s the honest truth of it. This past month has been full of endings and and all I can process is that I don’t want to process any of it. And then that simple word – blue. And I’m stuck. Uninspired.

Until I’m inspired by that exact thought. All these things that look like maybe, well, nothing significant – they’re each something and I love them for reasons that anyone walking around my little box of a room would never know.

You wouldn’t call these items inspiring – and maybe you’d say “blue” is just a word. And maybe, I don’t know, you’re feeling a bit uninspired to write, a bit overwhelmed by life, a little bit unsure of the place right where you find yourself tonight.

But that lamp provides light as I work into the night as a

The blue memory book is where I record one line a day so I won’t forget the big stuff and the mundane, too.

(Yesterday’s entry: I tried so hard to go one day without dairy. But yeah, fail.)

(Keeping it real, y’all. Dairy and I are BFF.)

And then that blue bag in the corner… I’ve been here for nearly two weeks and nope, still no dresser. I’d like to think I’m easing my way into this big-girl thing. The inside of that bag currently holds several warm sweaters. The outside is covered in a fun print that reminds me of that verse about anchors.

(Anchors and I are also BFF.)

We have this hope... Hebrews 6:19

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Maybe we should start a new saying about how there is no such thing as an uninspired life. Words are important and sometimes thoughts are scary, but Light will lead us and help us to remember the important stuff. Our anchor will hold within the veil.

All that…from the color blue.

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