If we trust that God can save us, will we say He is still God and still good even if He does not?

If we believe that God could come through, and He can, and if we believe that He hears our prayers and knows our hearts, and He does, will we trust Him if His answer doesn’t look like ours and instead of saving the day, His plan is to draw us closer to Him in the midst of it all?

If we trust that God can save us, will we say He is still God and still good even if He does not?

Ever since stumbling upon Daniel 3, I’ve been turning these questions over in my mind. You’ve probably heard the story before – the one about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and a fiery furnace.

The entire nation was told to bow down to an idol that was ninety-feet high, and if anyone refused they would be thrown into the fire. But these guys, they chose to worship the one true God. When given a second chance, they said these words:

“Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up, O king. But even if he doesn’t, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, O king. We still wouldn’t serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.” // Daniel 3:16-18, The Message {emphasis mine}

Even if not…

Even if you honor your threat and throw us to the flames.

Even if your guards take us away and set us on fire.

Even if you change your mind and punish us another way.

Even if the Lord chooses not to deliver us.

Even if we’re pitched into the furnace, live to tell the tale, and you throw something else our way.

Even then, we will serve Him. Even then, we will only worship His name. Even then, we will refuse to fall for an idol because we have already fallen for the only One worthy of our devotion.

He could save us, but even if not, we choose Him.

If you’ve heard the story before, then you know that God saved them and through their “even if not’s” the entire country came to worship the Lord. But they didn’t know it would go down like that. These three guys had no clue what God would do, but they trusted His love and His plan for them enough to say they would follow no matter what.

I’ve had my but that doesn’t mean there won’t be other opportunities for me to declare it again. We never know just what hangs in the balance of our “even if not” and so today, let’s not fall for the idols. Let’s choose not to bow down in worship to social media or stats or anything else that too often takes His place.

Even if not, Lord, even if not.
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