“Do you think you’ll write another book?”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question, I could buy each and every one of you a Starbucks drink. Because oh my word, I hear it all the time.

Second-runner-up in the Most Frequently Asked list of questions: Can you tell me more about being a Virtual Assistant and working from home? (Third place/Honorable mention goes to: How can I become a VA or earn money online?)

So. About that first question…

The answer is yes. I haven’t said that anywhere online and now this feels all official or something ridiculous. So can I quickly follow up with this?

It took 22 years of living to write . I’m proud of it, honored that God has used the words within the pages to bring hope and encouragement and healing to personal friends and strangers around the world. But before I can write, I first have to live. And so my running joke/response to the question everyone keeps asking me is this:

“Yep! I definitely think I’ll write another book. But it took me 22 years of life, so get back to me when I’m 44.”

In the mean time, I’m living. And working and creating and writing.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

And to be honest, my regular real-life doesn’t look much like I thought it would (even after self-publishing a book). Don’t get me wrong — it isn’t bad; it’s just different. Exactly two years ago on June 8, 2015, I wrote a post titled When Life Doesn’t Look Like What You Imagined.

I’ve been thinking about those words, about how much has changed since then (and how many things are still the same). To this day, it’s one of my most-read and shared posts. Which makes sense, really, because I think we can all relate. Life rarely looks just like what we imagined and dreams don’t always come true… but so often, the in between and the unknown and the “this isn’t exactly what I had in mind” turns out to be the greatest gift of all, one we couldn’t possibly have dreamt in our wildest dreams.

Working from home (and self-employment) has been all of that.

It wasn’t my plan and let’s be honest, it brings with it more than a handful of challenges. If I knew at the beginning how hard it would be, I probably never would have started.

I guess we can say that about a lot of things, right? I had no idea how difficult self-employment would be, how lonely it often is, how terrible quarterly taxes are and how little control I would hold in my hands.

But knowing all of that now, this is the truth: I’d do it all again.

Brightly, sunlit office space

And that’s the thing, right? You can substitute ‘self-employment’ or ‘working-from-home’ or ‘writing a book’ with whatever you’d like, but fill in the blank and I think you understand what I’m saying. Maybe, if we knew the challenges that would come after we take that first step, we would simply stay put. Maybe, if we knew how difficult it would be and how we would have NO MORE WORDS half-way through writing a book, we wouldn’t start the first chapter.

Never trying, never risking, but always wondering… I don’t want that to be my life-story.

I didn’t know the past two years would be this hard. And I didn’t know I would love it all so much — even on the hardest days. The book writing, the working from home, the opportunity to make images and manage book launches and brainstorm social media posts…

It isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

Some days it might look like paying taxes in the middle of June…

But some days it might look like opening up a box of books that started with one sentence, and then another, and then another…

So carry on, friend. Take the next right step (no matter how small it is). Write the first sentence, send the email, tell someone about your idea, share your story, make something beautiful.

Hello and welcome to the weirdest, coolest day of my life.

Maybe it won’t make sense at first. Maybe it will stay small. Maybe it won’t look anything like you imagined. But it will be good, it will be beautiful, it will be a gift and it will be worth it. Nearly everything I do is behind-the-scenes. It’s quiet, it’s small, and it doesn’t have my name attached to it when it goes out into the world.

But He knows. He sees. I said it two years ago and I still believe it today: Look before you, He is making a way. Look behind you, He has been there the whole time. Look to your right and to your left, He is with you. He is dreaming for you and His dreams, while different than your own, will be better. It’s okay to be scared. But don’t let it keep you from jumping.

It may not look like what you pictured, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.


If you’re one of the dozens of people who have asked about working from home, about self-employment or how to become a VA… keep on reading, friend. Because oh my gosh, I wish I knew all of this when I started out two years ago.

Yesterday, a collection of 50 incredible resources (called the ) released. It’s really, really good. I’m super picky about the things I share with you here, but this is something I truly believe in. I honestly can’t put words around how great the time management, cash flow, and goal setting resources are. (Or how valuable the legal/accounting and work/life balance resources are to me right now.)

So. Here are the quick facts, just in case this is something that would be helpful to you:

– The includes 50 resources (30 eBooks, 1 audiobook, 14 eCourses and 5 printable packs)
The total value of the bundle is $2,336.10
– Along with the 50 resources, there are 9 bonuses (3 physical + 6 digital … including a coffee club subscription HECK YES) that are valued at $529.00
– Today only, all customers will receive a free eReader upgrade that will format the resources for your particular eReader
– The bundle is only available until Monday, June 12, 2017 at 11:59pm (EST)
The bundle costs $47.00 (total) and there is a no-risk, 30-day happiness guarantee

Basically what I’m trying to say is this: the bundle is worth every penny and then several hundred dollars more. If you’ve ever emailed me about becoming a VA, asked which programs I use, wondered how I find clients or if this job actually pays the bills (it does), this is worth clicking through and learning more about. I promise.

Take the next step, right? Learn more, try it out, walk in obedience. You might not be sure where to start and maybe working from home isn’t what you always imagined, but remember: He is dreaming for you and His dreams, while different than your own, will be better. It’s okay to be scared. But don’t let it keep you from jumping.

It may not look like what you pictured, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

I’m an affiliate for the Work at Home bundle, but even if I weren’t I would share this with you. Truly, it is an incredible resource!