Quote Book

Quote Book

I have a quote book. I feel like that should be shameful…but it makes me so happy. :) It’s full of favorite bible verses, song lyrics, and quotes from everything under the sun. Books, movies, sermons, podcasts, you name it. I’m always on the look out...
One For The Books

One For The Books

Remember that time I all but disappeared for weeks on end?Yeah. That.2013 has ended and 2014 is an open, empty book ready to be filled with memories and joys and probably a few struggles along the way.But as I thought over 2013 counting joys and remembering the good...
When Life Calls

When Life Calls

Blink. Blink. Blink.It stares me down.My fingers freeze over the letters lit from below and the words disappear once again.I’ve learned that when life picks up the words slow down. It’s taken me little to no time to come to the conclusion but it’s...

For When You Just Want to be Known

Most days I feel unsure, out of place, unknown, empty, and maybe a little bit stuck. And that’s just when I’m talking about my writing and my “online self.” I sit in front of the lit screen, watching the black cursor hit the blank page over. and over. and over. The...

A Breath In Between

A little breath of quiet as the giveaways wind to a close and school begins.Today is the first day of my Junior year, and I’m involved in too many (good) things, overwhelmed by projects and homework (on the first day, I know. It’ll all happen but sleep...