Free Prints for FlourishWriters Conference Attendees

Hi there! I’m so glad to “meet” you here in this space. When Mindy and Jenny reached out and asked me to share about social media, marketing, and writing for FlourishWriters 2019, I knew right away that I wanted to be a part.

I truly do believe that you have a story and it is worth sharing.

We need what YOU have to say.

In art, in words, on social media, over coffee or from a stage. You have a story and it matters. I hope that these three prints, designed with FlourishWriters in mind, remind you of that truth!


free prints for FlourishWriters Conference


Print them out, place in a frame, or use a fun roll of washi tape and tape to the wall behind your computer! I hope that they encourage you to continue writing and sharing — even when it’s hard, even when it seems like no one is listening, even when you don’t know what step to take next.

Even then, even there, you are a living and breathing story. You have something to say.

My journey toward becoming an author was a winding path, and the truth is, I never would have chosen the story that’s now printed in black ink. But, this is true too: I’m so very grateful it was entrusted to me. Just to the side of my desk is a print with the words “and if not, He is still good” painted in black, gold, and white. It matches my book cover and is a reminder to me to keep going, to continue trusting, and to share my story. I hope these prints will inspire you to do the same!


To receive the free set of 5×7 prints, simply click here.


Please note that the prints are for personal use only, which means you can print them for yourself but you cannot sell or claim it as your own in any way.

You’ll need to provide your email address and within a few minutes you should receive an email with a download link to the prints — just for you, conference attendees! Don’t worry, I won’t spam you. And I will not automatically add you to any list other than the one(s) you select.

(I’d love for you to subscribe to my blog post/newsletter list, but that’s completely up to you. If you choose to subscribe to that list, you can expect 2-3 emails from me each month with encouragement and exclusive free prints / resources just for subscribers.)

If you don’t receive the email with the FlourishWriters prints within 15 minutes of filling out the form, please check your spam/junk folders or the Promotions tab in Gmail. The email will come from

Blessings to you, friend. May we believe that He is the true Author of our stories and that He has given us a message to say. May we trust Him on every page, may we have the courage to speak and share, and may we hold tight to the hand of Hope when we become frustrated or overwhelmed. Our histories are His story, and so I’ll leave you with this tiny excerpt (about sharing your story) from the last chapter of my book:

You are a living, walking, breathing story. Every page counts, every sentence matters, and the question is not if you have a story but what you’ll do with the story you have.

Will you let others read the pages? Will you welcome them in? We don’t need another person denying her story in favor of living another’s. We don’t need another story to go untold because of doubts or swirling thoughts that someone else’s story is bigger, better, funnier, more interesting, or sure to make a greater impact.

I had been blogging almost four years before I claimed the word writer. I was terrified to attach it to my being because somewhere inside I believed “I know writers and I am not one.”

I believed my story was important but at the end of the day, I held up the stick and decided I didn’t measure up, couldn’t fit the bill or fit the mold or fit in or fit whatever it even takes to be a writer. But He had other plans and He used a blog post and a free-fall to show me that by refusing to claim writer, I had been making it about me when it was really only about Him. He fashioned me to write and to use this gift to glorify Him. By refusing to tell my story, I thought I was keeping my heart safe but really I was only denying Him the glory.

Maybe He has fashioned you to be something and it’s time you wear what He’s given. Don’t wait for the credits to play. Claim what He has given you and then use it for His glory. Live and tell the story He is writing with your days.”