by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Feb 16, 2016 | Brave, Even If Not, Fear, Generation Y
I keep finding myself thinking “so this is it.” I wish I could form words around all that sentence holds and the emotions tucked away in just four little words, but I’m discovering that sentence, much like this season, is like reaching out to grab...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Oct 22, 2015 | Broken and Raw, Faith, Generation Y, three little words
Jesus never appeared to be in a hurry. Not as He traveled or spoke or celebrated, and not when He wept, either. He paused and took time to feel His feelings. He chose to live in the moment, to be fully present right where He was, although as the God of the universe,...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Oct 14, 2015 | three little words
Just about this time last year, I began turning over a thought in my mind. It was just a passing thing at first, but the more it kept making an appearance in my mind, the more I began to see it in real life. We’re living for the photograph instead of...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Oct 13, 2015 | Beauty, More To Be, three little words
Many months ago, God led me to write about the lies I often tell myself. A couple months later, I wrote a post I never once imagined writing, much less publishing. And then a couple months later, I tapped away at a computer screen a little post about how it really is...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Sep 4, 2015 | Generation Y
Of all the things I never imagined myself being described as, “sorority girl” ranks way, way high on that list. But I was one. I guess in many ways, I’ll always be one. It’s fall and that means football and pumpkin spice lattes but it also many...