by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Aug 2, 2016 | Books, Broken and Raw, Faith, Joy, Story
I like to fix stuff. And by that I mean that I like to solve problems and make things happen and accomplish all the things and throw away to-do lists because everything has been checked off. And in the middle of all this fixing, Jesus is teaching me to slow down. Over...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Feb 12, 2015 | Brave, Broken and Raw, Faith, Fear, Joy
There’s this thing that takes Samford by storm every year. Talk begins late fall and by Christmas break anticipation starts to rise. Fast forward just a bit to February and all anyone can talk about is Step Sing. “How are you?” “Step...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Jan 22, 2015 | Broken and Raw, Five Minute Friday, Joy
I’ve never been good at math. And I don’t mean “Oh, I’m decent but it’s not my thing. I’ll make good grades and hey, I loved algebra, but I’d rather do A, B, or C.” No. I’m just really straight up terrible at math....
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Nov 27, 2014 | Beauty, Faith, Joy, Thanksgiving
We each have a story and I’d be willing to bet a few of your chapters show that you’ve experienced some deep, hard things. Moments that can’t be erased and memories that still haunt. Life change happened, whether you wanted it to or not. Things spiraled and got shaken...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Oct 9, 2014 | Community, every story matters, Joy, Story
There are those people you meet and in one quick moment you just know they’re gonna change your life. And then there are those who show up day after day and over time a place in your heart has their name on it. Your story is changed because you’ve welcomed...