Complete a 5k? CHECK!

Whew.It’s over!Two months ago it took me 25:03 to run 1.266 miles (with a 5 minute walking warm-up and 5 minute walking cool-down). That was my first day of training. My furthest day of training (minus the two days I ran 3 miles – which took me 45 and...

Less than 17 Hours Left!!!

The day is almost here.I’ve been training (okay – sort of) for almost two months and now it’s time to race.Yup, my first (and probably last) 5k is tomorrow morning.At 6:00 AM.What the heck, people?! First off, you pay to run. Then you show up at 6 so...
You’re A Runner

You’re A Runner

(Courtasy of Google Images)You’re probably tired of all the spiritual analogy stuff by now.I know, I know. Move on to something different. Pictures of something.Those will come. They will.But tonight I’ve gotta share this. Whether it helps just one person,...