Gosh it’s been a longgggg time since I’ve done Sunday Song. I love that I feel like I always have something to post on Sunday if I’m able to find the time, yet it’s not a requirement on me. I don’t know if that even makes logical sense, but I like it either way.

If you didn’t see it coming, today’s song is a tad obvious from yesterday’s post.

Sunday Song info: I post the lyrics and then post them again (because I’m redundant-which you already know, if you frequently visit here)…but the second time I include my thoughts. There’s also a video of the song that you can play while reading the post.

Eye of the Hurricane by Me In Motion

Feels like the hurricane has come
Feels like this ship is sinking
These skies seem empty of your mercy tonight
Sometimes the mystery of grace runs deeper then I’m thinking
In the dark I find your light

When I am over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’m fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Sometimes I am crying for relief
God let this night be over,
One word if you would speak could silence the storm
Instead your mercy has a way of turning heartache to faith
That hope will be reborn

When I am over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’m fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
When I’m too weak to make it through
That’s when you draw me close to you
One thing that I know is always true
Your love doesn’t change
When I am over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’m fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane

*I’ve tried lots of different things, but Blogger isn’t letting me put a video on here like it usually does. To listen to the song (with lyrics) on YouTube just click right here.*

Feels like the hurricane has come
Feels like this ship is sinking
These skies seem empty of your mercy tonight
Sometimes the mystery of grace runs deeper then I’m thinking
In the dark I find your light

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m not the only one that has ever felt like they’re in the middle of a hurricane. One that will certainly ruin your life, relationships, and plans. It can feel like it’s all over and that there’s no hope. Like the ‘ship is sinking.’ I’ve been there and I’ve certainly felt that to an extreme. But I also have felt the assurance of hope and truth that says, “the mystery of grace runs deep” and “in the dark you’ll find light.” We wouldn’t know light apart from darkness. 


When I’m over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’m fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Gosh I feel over my head pretty often. It doesn’t even take a big disaster to bring on stress and make me want to throw my hands over my head and run for cover. Schedules, check lists, things left on my mental to-do list day after day…it can feel like nothing is getting accomplished and that I’m in over my head.
But then there are the big things. The problems and situations that will only be solved – can only be healed and restored- by nothing short of a miracle. I’ve fought the wind and the waves and let me tell you: You can keep on fighting and being pulled out by the current of ever present trials and hard times, or you can let the storm(s) drive you straight into His arms. Those are your two choices. One is much easier than the other, but it often seems like the harder choice until you’re there and you’re safe. Because we like to do-do-do and fix-fix-fix and we like to be the Solvers. Not Runners. We would rather come up with the solution ourselves and stay in the storm, battered and broken by every wave and current…instead of going to His arms, content that He will calm the storm in His own Timing.

That’s what we’re afraid of, right? His Timing. Because we believe we can solve it Right Now.
I speak to myself here, but can I just ask, when have you ever been able to walk on water to calm the storm beneath your feet? Hmm? Never.
It may seem like it for a while. The waves might subside for an hour or two, you might catch a breath. But they come back.
Wouldn’t it just be easier to let the waves pull you to His arms where you can rest in safety while HE drives the wind and waves away?
(Again, speaking to myself.)

Sometimes I’m crying for relief

God let this night be over
One word if you would speak could silence the storm
Instead your mercy has a way of turning heartache to faith
That hope will be reborn
This is the hardest part for me. Not because of control, though that plays a significant part. No, see I begin to think I’m God. Or even worse…better than God. In my mind I think, “All you have to do is say ‘stop.’ Just one little word and it could all be over. It wouldn’t take much of your time or effort, and it would drasticially change my life for the better. Bright and new could come, and the pain of yesterdays would fall away. Restoration and healing and a whole heart would all be mine. You simply have to say the word.”
I tell God what to do. As if I know better than He.
Through the nights of sobbing and wailing and begging for relief and hope, just hope…heartache turns to faith.
Maybe not because of what I say, but because I speak.
I continue to speak to the God of the Universe, whether He chooses to calm the storm or not.

Heartache to faith. Heartache to trust. Heartache to love.


When I’m over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’m fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

When I’m too weak to make it through
That’s when you draw me close to you
One thing that I know is always true
Your love doesn’t change
That is part of my Story. I try to be strong and I often hold out for as long as I can. But I always end up too weak to battle the storms in my life, and that’s when He quietly and surely draws me to Him. That’s when it becomes as obvious as night from day to me: His love is always there because it
Glorious. What a relief. Suddenly I’m able to breathe again.

When I’m over my head yeah
I’m waiting for a miracle
I’am fighting the wind and the waves
Then the weight of this storm drives me straight to your arms
You hold me I know that I’m safe in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane