Five Minute FridayHere’s the deal. Five Minute Friday. You go find the little prompt at the wonderful Lisa-Jo’s blog, set the time and write for five minutes, and then just stop. Where you are, no edits, just publish raw words.


South Florida to Birmingham.

12 hours.

Eighteen years of sunshine and palm trees. Eighteen jacket-less winters.

Flipflops year round and shorts on Christmas morning.


And now I’m here. I’m two years into college and every conversation is filled with “how are we half way done with this crazy thing? And do we really have to leave soon?”

Two years of leaves changing, hoping for a first time look at real life snow, and learning to be independent.

Two years of constant homework, sleepless nights, and never-ending caf meals.

Two years of missing my there and loving my here.

This is home.

I’m much more me, I laugh so hard I fall on the ground, and I’m known.


But if I’m gonna be honest, I miss my there. Not the sandy beaches, though there’s nothing quite like ’em.

I miss my people. My brothers. My amazing provider dad and cheerleader mom.

I wouldn’t give up Birmingham, but if I could…I would move my people

from there

to here.