Public Service Announcement: I bought this book with my very own money, but I do occasionally receive books for free from the Tyndale Rewards Program (which is totally free). Basically, you get points for reading Tyndale products (including Melanie’s book!), then you use the points to earn free books!

After 10 minutes of filling out a few books about what kinds of books I normally read, I already have 85 points! I’m already able to purchase multiple books (for free) or can save them. At 200 points I earn a gorgeous Bible.

It’s like getting paid to read free books.

If you use my link to sign up, you’ll automatically start your account with 25 points instead of 0, and it will give me 10 points!

Happy Wednesday to you all, and now for Melanie’s book!


I can’t remember when I first began reading BigMama’s blog, but it didn’t take long before I considered Melanie a never-met-friend.

You know, one of those people you would hit it off with, were you to ever meet?

So you can imagine how excited I was that she was writing a book! (Bonus, BooMama just wrote one too! We totally live in the same town and if it’s wrong to hope that I’ll run into her at the grocery store, I don’t want to be right.)

I’m not a mama. I don’t have a husband. I haven’t graduated college yet. But Melanie’s book was one that I just had to read.

With midterms and projects, I never made it to the store to buy her book. But then! Right around Mother’s Day her book went on sale on The Kindle for just FIVE AMERICAN DOLLARS (as both BigMama and BooMama would say).

You better believe I snatched that sucker up in all of 3.8 seconds. Who cares about studying and making good grades when you can read Sparkly Green Earrings, right?!

So in the late hours when I should have been taking advantage of the five hours of sleep I so love, I would stay up reading.

Now, I’ve never really read a book on my phone before, and I much prefer holding a book in my own two hands with a pen nearby. I mark books up left and right with underlining and stars and brackets to add extra emphasis.

I dream of being a book editor, in case you’ve missed that memo. So books? I love them dearly.

This book was no exception. You don’t have to be a mom to relate.

Sure, the jokes are probably funnier and the memories sweeter, but Sparkly Green Earrings is still just as well written whether you’re 20 or 68 or somewhere in between.

There’s one quote I’d really love to share with you all. You know, in case you haven’t already marked it up as I have.

He blesses us beyond our imaginations, in spite of all the broken roads we’ve walked. In fact, maybe he blesses us so lavishly because of all the broken roads we’ve traveled. As if to remind us that he sees us – really sees us – not just for who we are at any given moment, but for what we could be one day.

I don’t know what road you’ve walked and I don’t know how many pieces your heart is in right now, but I do know He is still writing your Story and loving you hard. He sees you.

I highly encourage you to go pick up this book at your local bookstore or Target or maybe even download it on your Kindle. If you need any more convincing, watch her book trailer below.

SparklyGreenEarings4 from Big Mama on Vimeo.

It’s a real good read. I promise.

Thank you, Melanie, for sharing your stories with us, making us laugh and maybe cry, and always providing sound fashion advice.

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