Oh. My. Word.

Apparently y’all love giveaways and free stuff! Yeesh. I seriously sat watching the number of entries climb higher and higher, and my mouth dropped open.

And that was just on Monday. My goodness you people came out in full force.

I hope you loved all the amazing giveaways, and I want to make sure to say a BIG thank you to all the ladies who SO generously gave items so that this could happen! It means so much to me and I’m so thankful for so many kind-hearted people.

I’m already looking forward to my birthday month (ahem, November) and celebrating with tons of giveaways! Because y’all, this is just so.much.fun. I have a thing or two already lined up, so make sure you jump on board before all the spots fill up!

If you want to be a part, send me an email at liveitout516@aol.com and we’ll talk!

But now…onto the winners!

Monday: $30 shop credit to Pen and Paint

Monday winner: Taryn Raulston

Tuesday: Redeemed necklace from DaySpring

Tuesday winner: Vicki Thunstrom

Wednesday: $25 shop credit to Marine Parents

Wednesday winner: Rebecca Houweling

Thursday: Dream’ block from Bubblewrapp’d

Thursday winner: Meg M

Friday: Custom birds nest necklace from Andi Gould Designs

Friday winner: Angi Pratt

Saturday: Two custom prints from Livy Love Designs

Saturday winner: Hannah B

Each winner will be contacted by email (after I finish classes for today) and they have 48 hours to respond. After that time, a new winner will be chosen.

Thank you so much for entering, following along, and entering into this crazy life of mine. I truly hope you’ll stick around – I much prefer friends over strangers. :)

I’ll be back in November with more giveaways (woohoo!) but in the mean time, I’ll see you all Monday for the Chasing History link-up, where we pick a woman’s story from the Bible, learn a little bit about her, and see how her story applies to our lives today!