“Christ alone is the substance of our hope, the truth on which we rely. Hardship will invade our world and miracles may or may not come, but in every circumstance Jesus all always be Christ. That truth is enough to create faith that can withstand anything.” Mike Nappa, God In Slow Motion
We say that we live in a hurry up and wait culture, but if we stop for just a split second and think about it, we live in a hurry up and hurry some more culture.
If we slow down long enough to pause and rest we often feel guilty for “wasting time” and not checking something off the to-do list. Or maybe that’s just me.
God has been so sweet to spend the past year teaching me again and again what the word ‘rest’ actually means. One of the biggest things I learned in Haiti – and learned even more so once stepping back onto American soil – is how much we rush everywhere all the time.
But if you look in the Bible, Jesus never appeared to be in a hurry.
God In Slow Motion by Mike Nappa talks about how Jesus never rushed or hurried through ministry. He took His time, listened intently and loved well, never appearing to be checking things off a list or breezing through an agenda.
He sat. He listened. He took the time to be present.
Throughout God In Slow Motion, Mike Nappa looks at different stories – ten important moments in the life of Jesus – and examines them in light of the busyness of our modern day culture.
In a completely not-joking way, I didn’t want to rush through this book. I’m one to pick up a book and stay up all night until it’s finished, but this one has been sitting in a neat row on my desk for months. I’ve read a chapter at a time in coffee shops around Birmingham while trying to figure out how to apply this to daily life.
I personally would say the book functions best as stand-alone chapters. Each chapter looks at one of ten moments, but read together it does not flow seamlessly. However, if you choose to take the time to read one at a time and then sit with the words for a while, it is certainly a book that will make you think.
If you’re like me and are always adding one more thing to your overflowing plate of responsibilities and commitments, this is a really good book to help you examine what’s important in the long run and will likely convict you, as it did me.
If Jesus wasn’t in a hurry then maybe it’s time we all slow down and savor the little things just a bit more.
I was provided a free copy of God In Slow Motion from booksneeze.com. All opinions are solely my own. Affiliate links used.