15 Books I’m Looking Forward to This Spring

15 Books I’m Looking Forward to This Spring

Here we are, seeing a wave of books that were all written during the pandemic. There are certainly many that were rushed through and published throughout the second half of 2021, but I’ve been paying special attention to the ‘theme’ of early 2022...
My 10 Favorite Books of 2021

My 10 Favorite Books of 2021

For the first time in quite a while, I didn’t think I’d make a list of my favorite books this year . . . because quite honestly, although I read 75 titles, the majority were just fine. I looked over my 2021 book list today, though, and a dozen 4.5 and 5...
He Is a Present Tense God

He Is a Present Tense God

Holley Gerth is one of my very favorite people in all the world. That seems a bit dramatic, but I really mean it. I’ve read her words for over a decade, worked as her assistant for nearly seven years, and though sometimes I jokingly say she’s my boss, at...