This is basically one of those posts that could also be titled:

I Have So Many Little Things To Say That Don’t Go Together In One Nice Little Post So, Therefore, Here You Go

But “just thoughts” is shorter and so I typically just go with that. Let the fun begin.

I have quite a bit to do today! I caught up on a lot yesterday, which is awesome. I know I’ll get behind big time this next week, but that’s okay. You know why? Because this girl *pointing finger at myself* is going to CAMP. Yes sir, all of camp. It’s a wonderful thing.

I can’t play the games and I won’t be going in the lake water, but I get to at least be there. It’s more than enough for me. I’m just glad I get to go.

In the mean time, I’m trying to get as much done as possible. I’ve done quite a bit of math and, I must admit, I’m very proud of myself. I completed a whole chapter, took the test, and did alright. Definitely got a high enough grade to move on to the next chapter….which I’m trying to get done before camp. Some how. Lofty goals, lofty goals. Sometimes I don’t know why I set them. But the goal is set, so now I’ve just gotta reach it.

Yeah. I’m nothing but concise and focused.

Anywho, I’m excited because of three things: My head is partly better, plus I may get Sonic tonight AND we’re having an 80’s theme night at camp.

Now I realize those three things have nothing to do with each other. But who cares. This whole post basically has nothing to do with anything else.

Okay, back to the exciting part. I’m so glad my head is feeling better! It still hurts literally all the time. And sleeping is…very hard. But the pain is less and I’m able to move my head a little more in each direction. Yay!

Alright now was I born in the 80’s? Uhh, no. I never saw one day of life in the 80’s. But now I get to dress up from the 80’s and, by golly (WHO says that?! I’m clearly still asleep and on medicine while typing this), I’m looking forward to it. I went out shopping with a friend and got a few 80’s things to wear. I love bright colors, so this is totally fun for me. Except the hair part. I really wish I could make my hair crazy for 80’s night (go big or go home, right?), but I can’t because of my surgery scar. Oh well. At least my outfit will be awesome!

Now. Sonic. Have you ever had Sonic? Please say yes. My mom and I went there the other night because, well, we were hungry. Not many places are open for dinner at 9:00pm…but we hadn’t had dinner so we headed over to Sonic. While there, I discovered my new weakness: Sonic Sundaes. They are a gift from God. Seriously.

The problem is that I know they’re horrible for me. But every night since my mom and I went, I’ve found myself wanting one. Why? Because they’re good. Because they’re big (HUGE). Because they’re worth every single penny.


Go get yourself a sundae. Stop reading, get in the car, and go buy yourself one.

Well, if it’s after 8:00pm while you’re reading this. Because otherwise it won’t be 99 cents.

Oh my word, it’s so good. It excites me so much. And I might get one tonight!!! Woo hoo!

Alright, I think I’m going to end this post here for a few reasons. One, I’m betting only one person actually read through this entire post of randomness. And to you I say, “Thank you.” Two, it doesn’t get much better than a Sonic Sundae.