Here it finally is. The weekend update – joy style.
Saturday wasn’t a good day. Not that it was bad, it’s just that I looked for joy and didn’t find it. Which makes me wonder, does that make a day change from bad to good? I don’t know.
But on Sunday I went to church and got to hang out and lead my kiddies (my 4th grade bible study class) (16), just like I do every Sunday. They make me so happy. They’re really great kids, and some of them hide it behind a tough exterior. But I love being able to see who the child really is through little cracks in the tough guy image. I look forward to bible study all week long.
After that I had practice for the big Christmas show (17) that is going on at my church. In fact, I have hours of practice every day this week except Monday. For instance, tonight I was there from 6:15-10:20. Tomorrow night I’ll be there from 5:45-12:00ish.
Yes. Midnight.
The show starts Friday, but hundreds will come to dress rehearsal on Thursday…so blogging will be short this week. Just a heads up.
Dancing makes me happy, but it also wears me out. :)
Monday morning I was up and out of the house and headed to church to sell tickets (18). I’ve spent SO many hours selling tickets for the show in the past, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But it’s one of those volunteer jobs that I actually really enjoy doing. Suffice it to say, selling tickets was fun!
After selling tickets I had lunch with my small group leader. This, also, is not something out of the ordinary. Every month or two we have lunch. My small group leader is amazing. She’s taught me so much, and is very wise. It’s not that she knows my life story, but it’s that she knows pieces and handles them with wisdom, honesty, and love (19). I always feel refreshed when I leave from having lunch with her. Honestly? I’d like to be like her when I grow up.
Hope you’re all having fun finding the joy, and that your weekend was great.
I love the idea of sharing joys! Glad you had a nice weekend!