This year has brought mountain top highs and some low moments as well. There has been a lot of confusion, and even some doubt. Very many sad moments and more hurting moments than I can even remember. But when I think about 2010, the first thing that comes to mind is faithful.

He was faithful. In every situation I’ve faced, He has been there.

This is even more true to me as I type this. I’ve learned this year, though I knew it before, that actions speak much louder than words. You can’t say that you want to hang out, make plans 5 different times to hang out, and then bail each and every time. You especially cant bail by saying you’re tired and need a nap, only to post to facebook a few hours later pictures of the people you’re hanging out with…Friendship doesn’t work that way. Actions speak louder than words.

Everyone posts about 2010 and their favorite memories for the year; their favorite blog posts; or maybe what they’ve learned. Some post their hopes and goals for 2011. I don’t want to post the same thing as everyone else, but I also don’t want to forget that this year has stretched me and challenged me in ways that I never would have expected to happen to me.

I’ve faced brain surgery.

I’ve faced deciding what college to go to.

I’ve faced a life with literally one or two friends…if that. aquaintances?

I’ve faced the beginning of the answer to my most burning question from years ago…when I lost my closest friends. And I’ve had to deal with the answer in my own way, swallow my pride and just let live and let die. I know it hasn’t been blogged about in months. I’ve written so many posts in my mind about it all, but never sat down to type them out. I’m still processing in my mind all that changed this year. Not in them, but in me. I’ve begun to see His reasoning and His answer. I’ve accepted it.

And I can’t say that it would have been easy to accept had I not learned this summer how faithful He truly is.

To sum up my year, 2010, in one word….well it would clearly be faithful

When it comes to 2011 I don’t know what word to hope for. I have no idea what He will show me this coming year,  but I know things are going to drastically change come summer/fall. Part of me wants to think up the perfect word for this year, but how is one to do that? Faithful was beyond perfect for 2010, but I don’t know that I would have picked that this time last year.

Strength, peace, courage, hope, song, love, beginnings.

What is one to choose? Maybe it won’t even be any of those. Guess I’ll have to wait and see. 2010 was the year of His faithfulness. I faced many trials and hard times, many never blogged about and unspoken to anyone but myself and God, but here I am today. I can’t give up when He has been faithful all this time, and especially this year.

2010: the year of His faithfulness.
2011: yet to be known

What was your One Word last year? And what word would you like this year to hold?