Now that the Olympics are over, I just don’t know what to do from 8pm-12pm. :)
There are many things about this country I’m not exactly scream-it-from-the-rooftops proud about, but nothing makes me proud to be American quite like watching the Olympics.
My favorite part, though, is that for two weeks the world seems like it is as peace.
It feels like a nice little break. :)
I’m two weeks away from going back to school…well, 11 days, 14 hours, 47 minutes, and 43 seconds according to the countdown app on my phone. Two weeks from now I will be finishing up my first day of school as a sophomore! I can’t believe I’m actually going to be a sophomore. Time flies.
My summer felt like it dragged on forever, but now that I’m about to go back to school everything has started to absolutely fly by. Between babysitting and meeting up with people before I leave, it seems like my schedule is jam-packed until it’s time to load up my car and head back to good ol’ Alabama.
I’m so, so excited to see what this next year is going to bring, but it’s also hard to think that I have 3 years of school left and then it’s the ‘real world’…it’s even harder to be back home and look around remembering how different life was just one short year ago!
So much has changed and I just love it. God has brought an incredible group of girls into my life this past year. Girls with such different personalities and life Stories, but that have all rallied around each other to laugh and cry and just have fun.
No boys though. :) Maybe that will come this year, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see baha!
In between all the crafting this summer, the trips (roadtrip pictures coming Wednesday morning!), and the lazing around relaxing, I’ve had some more health stuff.
I hate saying that. So, so much. I want it to all be over and I want to just say I feel 100% great and nothing has been going on…but that wouldn’t be honest. And although I realize I don’t have to share anything here, I could shut this down with a click of a button…this has been my place to vent and write and process. I love this place and I love that people actually care enough to read. I love that I’ve met people through here that I’ve been able to connect with…so I continue sharing despite criticism and it being easier to just clam up.
Enough of that though, lets just get it out there and done with.
Back in May I found a lump in my chest and told my mom. Life went on and she kept saying we should get it tested, but after the MRI and eye test, I was just done. I didn’t want any other tests, any more doctors, any more results.
I just felt so tired. Tired of the pain, yes, but mainly just tired of feeling like there was just one health thing after another…so I put it off and put it off and nothing ever happened. Last week mom made an appointment, I got ready to go that morning, and then for some reason I still don’t even understand, we never went. So I have no idea what the lump is…but personally I feel like it’s nothing.
The night before I thought I was going to have the test, I stayed up until 3am talking to God about it. It took me a long time to finally come around to the realization that I’m upset with the seemingly unending health stuff because I’m upset with my body.
I’m not frustrated with God, I’m frustrated with myself. I just want to be healthy and every time I get sick and dizzy and feel weird, it’s a reminder that I’m probably always going to get these symptoms. It makes the healthy days that much better, though.
I don’t want to be debbie downer, and that’s a lot of why I don’t get on here every few days saying I got sick again. I mean, who really wants to hear that? I’m living life and I have a great support system, and I seriously just have fun with life…so many people can’t say that, so who am I to complain?!
Instead of focusing on health stuff I’m spending these last two weeks getting ready for school, tying up loose ends here, and hanging with family. I can’t wait to get back to my Samford family, but it will be weird leaving here again after 16 weeks!