Hebrews 10:23

The wall that you’re praying will come down is going to collapse . . .

The secret hope that scares you is not too big or too impossible . . .

That prayer you’ve been praying for longer than you can remember is not too far gone . . .

You’re going to make it . . .

You can hang on . . .

Hope is not out of reach and love is actually real . . . 

Community is out there and community can – and will – stay . . .

That looming worry is not bigger than tomorrow . . .

The weight on your shoulders is heavy, but you’re going to make it . . .

– because –

There is one that is stronger, bigger, grander, and more than capable. He who has promised is Faithful and He holds it all in His hands. That means you and your worries, the silent tears you manage to wipe away before anyone notices and the ones you cry into your pillow at night, too. He is Light in your dark and your worries feel light in His capable hands. Because He is good, we can rest. Because He is love, we can let go of the worries. Because He isn’t going anywhere, we are never alone. Even when we can’t hang on any longer, He’s holding onto us.

Colossians 1:17

He’s got you.

He’s got this.

He holds it all and that includes you.

Because He is Who He says He is, we are free to rest. He will be faithful at all times, in all ways, in all things.


Every Friday the prompt goes up and #fmfparty slows down. We write. We breathe out our hearts, sharing the hurts and the joys and splitting hearts and words wide open. Come join us.