We’re gonna just flat out go for it, you and me.
Because every story matters and it’s time we live like we believe it. And maybe you don’t think yours matters . . . maybe you think it’s a story full of ordinary days of nothing special.
I beg to differ.
Every story matters because He’s the one writing and we can trust the One who holds the pen. He won’t make mistakes; there’s no need for a pencil.
Because here’s the thing — if we keep quiet and don’t share what He’s done [and what He’s doing] then we’re denying Him the glory He deserves.
Stories matter. All of them.
Every. Single. One.
Yours. Mine. Hers. The lady in line at the grocery store and the clerk at the post office. The woman in the nursing home and the man pushing her wheelchair down the hall.
No matter what you’ve done or not done, experienced or not experienced, said or not said — no matter how many stages you’ve stepped on or microphones you’ve held — no matter how many posts have gone viral or whether you ordered take out for dinner every night this week — your story matters.
I hope you’ll join me every day this month as we dive into this topic! I’ll be sharing pieces of my own story, encouraging quotes and images for you to download and print or pin, and *fingers crossed* a weekly post from my time in Haiti. We’ll explore together why every story matters and I can’t wait to get started!
Disclaimer: Let’s be honest, writing even twice a week is a struggle for me as I balance senior year of college, many extracurricular activities, and my wonderful job at (in)courage. But we’re gonna give this a go and see what happens. I believe this so much and story is my absolute favorite word. He’s given us each one, a story to tell, and we’ve simply got to step out in faith and tell it. Each day I will post on the blog and in a list-type sort of fashion, and I certainly hope you’ll follow along on the 31 Day journey over at the Nester’s place.
This post, these words you’re currently reading, are part of the of the journey.
Let’s do this thing.
I’m excited to follow along!
I’m happy you’re here, Ashley!