After four days in the mountains, I find myself back in the ‘Ham tonight. The air is cooler but the to-do list is still there. Who is it that said the more things change the more they stay the same? Yeah, that.
But for four days I had a change of scenery and it did my heart good.
Creation whispers its own story of beauty, honesty, ordinary and redemption.
It is a continuous process of renewal, a frustratingly slow journey of change, and a wondrous mystery.
Even with the very best camera, creation looks better in person. It is best witnessed and the story is best told when we take the time to just sit in it.
Close the computer and put down your phone for five minutes. Take a moment to rest. Listen to the wind blow and watch it move the trees, hear the rain pitter-patter or smell the flowers, the fog, the dew. Whatever it looks like around you, stop to notice.
The following are beautiful pictures from around the world, all shared on this lovely site for your enjoyment.
Aren’t they?! Each picture makes me want to hop on a plane or a bike or a bus or anything, really, and just go explore!