An Easter prayer for the Saturday people

Good Friday: The very worst, terrible, horrific and dark day in history.

Saturday: The in between of silence and confusion.

Sunday: The resurrection of Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of promises-kept, the most joyful day known to man.

The more I sit and think about these days, the most I find myself attaching certain times of my life to each one.

Good Friday.

Being declared cancer-free? Sunday.

Spiritual warfare and depression? Good Friday.

Seeing a relationship reconcile after ? Sunday.

a cross meant to kill is my victory

But most of the time, if I’m being honest, I’m living in a Saturday season. I’m somewhere in between darkness and light, questions and answers. I’m holding onto what I believe to be true and I have faith that He will remain faithful, and yet my life feels chaotic, relationships are difficult, my to-do list is miles long and I forget how this story is going to end.

We know that our Savior is victorious but even still, Saturday exists. There is silence. There is confusion. There is weeping and we are full of questions because everything has changed so very unexpectedly. What then? Where do we turn in the in between?

Because most of us, if we got real honest with ourselves, would say that we are the Saturday people, a mixture of grief and hope walking toward an uncertain tomorrow.

And yet, Sunday is coming. It probably won’t look like what we’re imagining, but our Savior is a promise-keeping promise-maker.

We will walk through seasons of Good Fridays and we will live most of our life in an in between, clinging to hope and truth while believing that Sunday is just around the corner. And it is. Sunday is coming because Jesus is coming back for us. And so we will hold tight to Hope, trusting that the One writing the story of our lives will not make one single mistake. We will be the Saturday people who look expectedly toward Sunday.

If your life is as silent as the Saturday of Easter...

Continue reading my guest post over at Kate’s place…

If you’re in an in between, a Saturday season, I pray that my book Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between will be a blessing to you.

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