Sara asked me to read Isaiah 41:10 at bible study on Monday. The words are beautiful no matter which translation you pick, but I was reading from the NIV translation.
Then I looked up the same verse in The Message translation and my stomach did flip-flops.
When she finished teaching and discussion began, I asked if I could read the same verse again. This time I read these words:
I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.
Don’t panic. I’m with you.
There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
Isaiah 41:10, The Message
As we wrapped up, putting the caps back on pens and giving hugs before heading out into the pouring rain, I walked up to a group of women that had been out of view during the study. One of them said, “Was that you reading from The Message? I assume so because you love it.”
It’s true. I love it.
This past week I’ve been thinking about Isaiah 41:10 and Isaiah 42:16. Both verses are a balm to a world full of weary souls. I hope that we will rise up for our brothers and sisters around the world. I hope that the Church will choose love. I hope that we’ll reach across lines instead of drawing them.
I hope those things.
But I know these things:
God will not drop us. God will be with us. God will be a personal guide, showing us the next step through unknown territory.
I’ll be a personal guide to them,
directing them through unknown country.
I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take,
make sure they don’t fall into the ditch.
These are the things I’ll be doing for them—
sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.
Isaiah 42:16, The Message
With everything that’s happened recently, with the hurt that shows up in every social media newsfeed, may this free printable of Isaiah 42:16 be a kind gift and a beautiful reminder that God won’t leave us — not for a minute.
If you right click on the picture you can download it to your computer! Feel free to pin the image to Pinterest if you’d like to come back and download/print it later.
I hope this print of Isaiah 42:16 will be an encouragement to your heart as it decorates your home with truth.
To view the entire collection of free printables I’ve made for you, .
And, of course, there are nine exclusive prints (with quotes from my book Even If Not) for all blog subscribers because gifts are fun and happy and I like them.
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