here & there

here & there

I’m just going to lead with these words: This is extra special to me. Chapter 6 of Even If Not holds stories from the country that stole my heart and gave me so much in return. Here & There is about wrestling with my very American life, sorting through what...
It’s Good Friday in America

It’s Good Friday in America

Real talk? Sometimes it feels like the world has gone mad. Disease, national disasters, war, and right now in America, the political climate too often feels like some kind of joke gone wrong. It’s Good Friday in America. In a few hours I’ll sit in a...
The Water Source

The Water Source

I’ve heard it said that “you will never be completely at home again because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” Let me tell you, those words are...