It’s 8:41pm and I remember that I haven’t had dinner yet. In a few minutes I’ll hit publish and then walk to the fridge, pull out the cheese, grab some bread and toast it until it’s only slightly burnt. I’ll probably pour another cup of coffee in an hour because there are things to do and items to check off and all of it sounds normal and mundane.
This afternoon I walked around Publix just for the heck of it. I graduated last Saturday (#what) and have been working full-time as a (#what again) since then. But that means I sit in my room at a desk with colorful things atop, bringing joy to what is normal, and it is quiet.
It is so very, very quiet.
I may be an introvert (ISFJ, and proud of it) but it’s borderline and letmetellyou this wasn’t my first trip out just to hear other voices.

Please, like I could resist using this photo here. Right.
But this morning I watched a live video call of three people talking about ISIS – and what we can do to help those who are broken.
Then I found my way over to the #LoveFlashMob and found myself engrossed in the stories of so many heroes – sheroes – that I wanted to straight up clap my hands in delight of all that’s being done.
And then my phone rang. A friend’s voice echoed, she simply needed to vent and find comfort on the other end of the line.
It’s ordinary and messy and nothing that anyone would write home about or film for the big screen. But everywhere, all around, I’m watching people rise. Up and up we go because we’re lifting others up. The kind word to a stranger in the grocery store, an honest talk between friends, generosity and comfort found online and through words.
We’re rising.
We’re rising together. We’re going up and standing up and saying we won’t. shut. up. because we have a voice. We’re shouting that we’ll speak for the voiceless, we’re whispering a calming word over the frustrated, we’re sharing joy with a stranger in the pasta aisle. It’s so normal and so not and I’m finding that I love it.
Someone said it to me once, way back in middle school. There are one billion trillion things I’ve blocked out from those days but of all the advice I’ve heard since then, I’ve never lost these words:
People and relationships are like elevators. They will either take you up or they will take you down – but they will never leave you the same.
We’re going up. We’re going to rise.
The last time I joined the #fmfparty crew I wrote on the word “tomorrow” and caused, umm, a little bit of a ruckus in my real life. It turns out shooting it straight can feel a bit like getting shot in the foot. And yet here we are again… and I’m happy to be back. Back where we write so we know just what we think. We breathe out our hearts, sharing the hurts and the joys and splitting hearts and words wide open. Come join us?
People and relationships are like elevators. They will either take you up or they will take you down – but they will never leave you the same.
This statement. Happy to see you rising. ❤️
Congratulations on your graduation! Rising up with you!
Always love reading what you write, Kaitlyn!
I really appreciate that, Lynette! Thank you!
So good to hear from you tonight! Love your post on RISE…I have not joined for an FMF in quite some time either – in fact, I just checked and the last time I wrote was also on TOMORROW!! I was getting in a rut; too tired on Thur. nights to write anything, and then getting busy on Fri. and forgetting! I’ll try to get back soon!
But, it was great to read your post tonight! Good luck in whatever you do!! May God continue to bless your words!!
I totally understand… Thursdays are normally crazy for me and Friday I’m wrapping the week up. Hope to see you at fmfparty soon. :)
I love the elevator quote and the picture of the otters. I am so thankful that we are rising together. Congratulations on your graduation!
I just *had* to include that picture :)
So glad you wrote! Loved this and loved the picture of those sweet…otters? Whatever they are, they are precious!
Aren’t they the cutest?!?
Congrats on graduating. Totally fabulous! And, that quote – so true!
Oh sweet friend… you have been missed, girlie!!! Love you so!
Hey Kaitlyn! Love your blog. :) I nominated you for a Liebster Award (even though I know you’re not really a new blog). Only do it if it sounds fun to you. Here’s a link to my post on it:
Have a great day!
Congrats on graduating! It is exciting to see the Spirit leading and guiding you (and others). Rise up to do the thing(s) God has put you here for!
Congratulations on graduating from college. Thank you for these words. May we all continue to rise up.
Lovely lovely words Kaitlyn! And the elevator quote is spot on! Your Neighbor at Holley’s site!♥
Thank you, Heather! Glad to be neighbors.
The real world is messy. That ISIS stuff, graduation, etc…they are ALL Big Deals. Our piece of God’s story is so interesting to me. I wonder sometimes why I live where I do versus being in the middle east or Africa etc. I’m thankful God placed me here…and I’m looking forward to what he has in store for my story and yours! Hugs to you K! Love, Jenn #30 on FMF this week
Love having you back here! I love this post. Yes I love watching us all rise up too. Jesus himself rose up too!! And so much this:”People and relationships are like elevators. They will either take you up or they will take you down – but they will never leave you the same.” Absolutely!!
It’s good to see you again! Congratulations on graduating from college :). I’ve been rising up and speaking out against insurance companies and the theory of headship as espoused by some Christian (?) men. Yikes. I don’t know what’s gotten into me! Maybe being brave is part of discovering one’s voice.
Welcome back and congrats on your new chapter in life!!! May we all rise up together as we pursue God relentlessly and let Him love us into all we are meant to be. Love you girl!
Kaitlyn, welcome back. I’ve missed you! And yet, you’ve not been gone, just used in other ways.
Favorite line “But everywhere, all around, I’m watching people rise. Up and up we go because we’re lifting others up.”
Such an encouraging, hope-filled post. And, Ann’s blog was on my mind as well. (if you have time, I’m at #10 on the linkup this week)
Love and hugs!
I haven’t read Ann’s words yet but will have to click over. I’m almost a month behind on all my blog reading!
Yay, so glad you’re back! Always moved by your words. Thank you for being faithful to write. xx
You are so right about the people we let into our lives. They will take us up or down. Thank you for your words. Your reminder that we can help others rise!
Congrats on graduation!
Thank you, Samantha!