by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | May 17, 2019 | (in)courage, Even If Not, Faith, God Sized Dream, writing
“When is the last time you cried in a bookstore?” If you had asked me that question two months ago, I would have looked at you blankly, racked my brain, and then hesitantly replied “Umm, I’m not sure I’ve ever done that.” I’m the girl who read straight through dinner,...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Oct 22, 2018 | (in)courage, Community, Even If Not, Story
There’s a game I like to play, and it never fails to catch people by surprise. Here’s how it works: I invite someone to grab coffee and once we’ve found a comfortable seat, our hands wrapped around a cup of something delicious, I look into their eyes and say these...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Aug 19, 2018 | Even If Not
. I put it off, came up with a dozen reasons why it wasn’t the right timing, and told God that He had picked the wrong girl. His response was kind but clear: to do anything else would be disobedience. Three years ago today, I opened a blank page and wrote...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Mar 20, 2018 | Broken and Raw, Even If Not, More To Be, Prayer
The phone lit up — way too late at night — as a text came through that I never wanted to read. My breath caught in my throat as my fingers quickly moved across the screen, anxious to reply and find out more information. I remember thinking “This is...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Feb 23, 2018 | Books, Even If Not
You know that thing you’re supposed to do or make or say or write — but you’re too nervous to actually do or make or say or write it? Consider this a friendly kick in the pants to get on with it and take the next step of obedience. For months I put off writing...
by Kaitlyn Bouchillon | Nov 16, 2017 | Books, Even If Not, Freebies, Giveaway, Printables
Today I turn twenty-five. And I’m just going to be honest, that feels weird to type… much less speak out loud. Maybe because, for an entire year, every time someone has asked my age (which shockingly happens more often than one would think), I’ve...